CBDepot - Upmarket Cannabinoid Solutions by CBDepot

Since January 2019 CBDepot changed its headline yet again to Upmarket Cannabinoid Solutions.

Since 2014, when the company was incorporated, this is the third change of the company headline.

The company headlines aim to reflect the fast-changing situation on the cannabinoid markets.

In 2014, CBDepot kicked off with the “Legal and Quality CBD supply” headline. It was challenging to source legal and quality isolated CBD back then. Since day 1 CBDepot has been building its reputation as a legal supplier of CBD of highest quality, having all the necessary licenses for operation in place and with the know-how rooting to the Czech Academy of Sciences.

In 2017, the headline changed to “Legal.Natural.Cannabinoids” because the legality of extraction of cannabis was still an issue and it is still until nowadays. Also, in 2016 we introduced CBG isolate and Cannabis Sativa Fraction 50% CBD and 50% CBG for food and food supplement markets.

The 2019 change of headline to “Upmarket Cannabinoid Solutions” reflects the fact that CBDepot is now able to offer cannabinoid ingredients and substances to various markets such as: cosmetic, food, food supplement, e-cig liquid and pharmaceutical and is recognized as a strong and transparent supplier of cannabinoids in a market situation when criminal gangs are trying to take advantage of less informed buyers and even professionals.